Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Bull Whisperer

My father rode a red 1952 Ford tractor with a bushhog
always in the back, rusty and tearing through grunting
shrub stumps and grass. He loved it so much, the sore
he felt in his neck and knees, putting it to rest at day’s end.

One fall day my father was shaving the dusking hillside,
admiring the smooth tan of the sky, pat-patting the struggling
Hemlocks on the back as he wove his monthly pattern over
the underbrush, atop the Ford, his chariot,

and my father spotted through the trunks a vague lone cow
rested in a heap at the pasture’s edge, swollen but breathing.
Easy girl, he eased up. Death and birthing, the prediction
similar in animals—they separate from the rest of the herd,

that being their habit. Where my father’s fingernails rubbed
the unflipping ear, that was the center of his 67 acres. She was
to calve soon. He remembered how to assist. It was serene,
the auburn dark, the autumn thick-body companion. That moment

the bull lifted its heavy tractor body, faced my father
gathering himself, all he could do in the evening separation was
whisper easy big boy, ease away and on to the sitting Ford, easy
and the true owner, of the cattle and their ways, named him

the bull-whisperer.

- J.S.

1 comment:

  1. John,

    I love so much about this, most of all the simultaneous psychological portrait of the father and the physical description of the landscape, and the way that the two intersect so harmoniously. I would reccomend taking out the "so" in the first stanza, since it sounds a hyperbolic, and perhaps reconsider the use of "easy" and "ease" next to each other. I think I see what you're trying to do, but I would use such similar words a little more sparingly.

    Also, I don't much care for the ending--starting with "named...." The title does all that work at the beginning; no need to re-hash. I'd end with more portraiture, which you do so well.

    Congrats again on such a well portioned piece.

